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令和2年度 愛知県立芸術大学卒業・修了制作展《木木木(もり)の卒展》


※会期中、全日程で リニモ芸大通駅 ‐ 会場受付前 間でシャトルバスを運行します。

令和2年度 愛知県立芸術大学卒業・修了制作展


Date and time
February 20th (Sat) -February 28th (Sun), 2021
10: 00-17: 00
Open all year round
Aichi University of the Arts
* There is no parking lot available, so please come by public transport.
* During the exhibition period, a shuttle bus will be operated between Linimo Geidaidori Station and the reception desk at the venue.

Reiwa 2nd year Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts Graduation / Completion Exhibition
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a graduation / completion production exhibition for the second year of Reiwa. I encountered a corona wreck that started last spring and still shows no signs of ending, and I was forced to produce and write under the restrictions of the use of laboratories and studios. Under such circumstances, it is an exhibition that has come to fruition as a work / thesis that can be said to be a gathering of studies by seriously facing oneself and the work.

The graduation / completion production exhibition of our university started in 2018 as the "graduation exhibition of Mori" by moving the stage of the exhibition to our campus. We will freely set up works by utilizing the campus of the forest, which is rich in nature, which graduates and graduates have a strong feeling for. "Art" is originally based on "freedom". This time Corona has stripped some of its freedom from them, but as an artist, she is not afraid.
We hope that you will feel their dedicated spirit and whole body exhibition in the beautiful lighting of the university. I hope that the space where the creation and the forests are united will be a departure for their new future.
We look forward to welcoming you.

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