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主催:東京藝術大学2021年においても大都市圏を中心にコロナ禍による緊急事態宣言が続き、人と人の接触が大きく制限され、公演等の中止・延期、無観客・観客収容人数の制限などにより、若い芸術家は大きな影響を受け、経済的にも不安定な状態が続いております。 また、このような状況下、若手芸術家にとってあらためて新しい時代の創作のあり方が問われています。東京藝大アートフェス2022は昨年度に引き続き若手芸術家に発表の場を提供するとともに、コロナ禍におけるアーティスト育成を目的に、オンライン上において「東京藝大アートフェス2022」を開催いたします。
○グランプリ 東京藝術大学長賞(3点) 1点30万円
○優秀賞(15点程度) 1点10万円
○ゲスト審査員特別賞(20点程度) 1点5万円
○アート・ルネッサンス賞(審査員奨励枠)(10点程度) 1点2万円
February 18th (Friday) -May 16th (Monday), 2022
Online venue
Organizer: Tokyo University of the Arts Even in 2021, the state of emergency due to the corona sickness continued, mainly in metropolitan areas, and contact between people was greatly restricted, performances were canceled or postponed, and the number of spectators and spectators was limited. As a result, young artists have been greatly affected and remain financially unstable. Under these circumstances, young artists are being asked how to create a new era. Tokyo University of the Arts Art Festival 2022 will continue to provide a venue for young artists to make presentations, and will hold "Tokyo University of the Arts Art Festival 2022" online for the purpose of fostering artists in Corona.
■ Prizes and prizes
○ Grand Prix Tokyo University of the Arts President's Award (3 points) 1 point 300,000 yen
○ Excellence Award (about 15 points) 1 point 100,000 yen
○ Guest judge special prize (about 20 points) 1 point 50,000 yen
○ Art Renaissance Award (judgment encouragement frame) (about 10 points) 1 point 20,000 yen
* Prize content and points are subject to change.
* Award-winning works will be announced around the middle of March.
■ Examination
・ The work will be judged by a judging committee consisting of the president, directors, department heads, faculty members, etc.
・ All examinations will be conducted based on the registered information and submissions.
・ All applicants will be notified of the screening results by email around the end of January.
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